Elysium MUD

Advocate's History

Advocate was born on the 4rth day of the 3rd week of Brightsky 1540 years after the fall of the Hakarren Empire under the surname Leoric, his first of many fathers. Advocate Leoric, a hamakei, was abandoned by his parents resulting in him spending his childhood with the beggars of Aronsol, having no exposure to the magical hamakei customs. At the age of 20, Advocate graduated from the Academy of Aronsol. Being pressured by the Academy leaders to follow the hamakei tradition, Advocate joined guilds who studied magical tomes. He jumped between these guilds frequently, uncomfortable with the teachings. Advocate finally realized he wasn't like other hamakei due to his childhood and decided to lead his own life. Though he was hamakei, the need of at least some magical skills stood. He joined some guilds that stood for his inner destiny and pursued them as that, ignoring constant criticism by many. Aside from his guild problems, Advocate faced many conflicts with city leaders of his dwelling. Due to various foolish thoughts, Advocate was kicked out of Aronsol, Szagan, and Tylorus, which hindered his social as well as financial life. Confused with his life and people relations, Advocate's fate dragged him from one order to the next, searching for a right place for him. Though numerous, depressing problems in his earlier days pushed Advocate down the hill of life, he managed to be determined and always kept going, fulfilling many achievements. When Advocate Leoric reached the age of 24, the search for order had came to an end. He joined the Brotherhood of Gralnak, where he stayed and still is staying forever. His happiness couldn't have been described in words when he was accepted into this order. Advocate, after building a ninety-thousand coin house, raised the money as soon as he was sanctified within the order and built a ninety-thousand coin temple of Gralnak alongside his house, which now lies beautifully in Tylorus. Advocate's existence in the realms of Elysium changed the fate of many. His dedication to his order and friends led him to decline the countless offers by the Din'taal to join them and go against who he loved. That point declared his true enemies. Advocate's commitment grew into stopping this "clan" from ever conquering the world and his efforts paid off. His much needed help in the most famous Aronsol-Szagan war resulted in his enemies' defeat and forced them out of Szagan, a city in patron by his Lord Gralnak. At the age of thirty, Advocate within a fleet of man o wars, discovered an island now known as Newtown. Advocate helps liberate this town, but it is soon after infested by its enemies again. In his late twenties, due to an unfortunate incident with Advocate's four hundred thousand coins, it hurt him, but it also taught him a "valuable" lesson about money. He always saw the big numbers in his bank account summary or treasury status, but he realized he didn't need them there for show. Later in his age, when he was Emperor of Olbaron, Advocate gained about four hundred thousand coins, once again, but instead of holding it, he kept it out of harms way and donated it all to the city of Olbaron. Thirteen long years after graduating the Academy, Advocate thirty-three, has accomplished many and now settled in his, what used to be, rough life. Advocate reached Priesthood of the Order of Chaos, worshipping Lord Gralnak, which gave him the opportunity of the throne of Olbaron, reached guildhead, and is living happily, but weary of this many incoming foes.
