Affluence Information


Affluence is a way to compare the relative strengths of cities in Elysium. Cities are rated according to a number of different aspects, such as population, size and technology. One of the most interesting parts of the affluence system is the ‘Percentage Dominance’, which shows the relative overall strengths of each city. The below graph shows the percentage dominance records so far.




Some population data, showing the population of each city, has been released by the Emperors of each city. Due to restrictions placed on the information about some cities, this data is fairly old.



Brightsky 1578                   





City                 Race              Population

Aronsol           Hamakei        2400

Gralthar          Dwarf             1830

Karinthia         Human            2260

Olbaron          Cyclops          2600

Ruk'tan           Orc                  3360

Szagan           Spawn            1777

Thul'Mar          Specter          2125

Tylorus            Elf                    2260

Vagla              Goblin            1800

Other               Mixed              2041


Total:               22453



Newmoon 1579                  





City                 Race              Population

Aronsol           Hamakei        2400

Gralthar          Dwarf             1930

Karinthia         Human            3000

Olbaron          Cyclops          3000

Ruk'tan           Orc                  3500

Szagan           Spawn            1797

Thul'Mar          Specter          2405

Tylorus            Elf                   2800

Vagla             Goblin             1800

Other               Mixed             2263


Total:               24895