Rare items

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Rare Items Trader [Add Link]

Rare Items are items won from events, received for birthdays, earned through quests or combat, or traded to the rare items trader.

Item Catalog

Item Name Description Item Effects Notes
Ring of Strength This ring is made of some kind of dull grey metal - Possibly iron, but when you touch it, it doesn't feel like iron - It has a warmth that radiates out into you, filling you with a powerful feeling. Causes your physical attacks to do more damage. Stacks with other rings of strength.
Circlet of Strength This is a simple circular band of silver, just wide enough to balance on the temples of the wearer; The only decoration on it is one fairly large pale red gemstone mounted in the front of the circlet. Causes your physical attacks to do more damage and lift more weight. Stacks with rings of strength.
Some red and blue robes These robes are made out of various different sized silk panels, alternating between bands of red and blue which run down from the collar to the hem. The robe can be tied closed with two fairly wide panels of red at the front, and these are flanked by wider panels of blue silk, with then a series of very narrow alternating bands around the sides of the garment, with the back looking fairly similar to the front in its makeup. Increases maximum mana, roughly 8%. Received as one of the options for a 100th birthday gift.
rainbow jewel headband Received as one of the options for a 100th birthday gift.
runic gloves Received as one of the options for a 100th birthday gift.
A silver mana bracelet This silver bracelet has been shaped into continually swirling patterns which seem to sweep around the wrist like water flowing. At certain points on the patterns are tiny blue gemstones, which sparkle and glitter at exactly the right moment to enhance the illusion that the silver is flowing round in a circle. Lightly drains mana when over 1000 mana, lightly regenerates mana when under 1000 mana. You get messages about mana drain and mana restoration while wearing this bracelet based on under/over 1000 mana, but I have not observed mana drain. Mana restoration is slow but evident when under 1000 mana- roughly the speed of standard HP regeneration without aid items.
Ring of Rebirth This ring is made of silver, two thin bands of metal delicately twined together to make a circular shape just the size of your finger. It is decorated by tiny emerald leaves, so small and detailed you feel they must be impossible to reproduce, and a slightly larger, but nonetheless impressively carved ruby heart is on the top of the ring. You sense great power within it. Resurrects you when you would otherwise die. You get 5 of these from a rebirth string. The Rebirth string is considered Rare by the trader, but the ring is not. You get the rebirth string through birthday gifts.
Ring of escapology This ring is made of two loops of pale grey metal, with a dull surface that doesn't shine like silver, and seems to have even less of a sheen than iron. The two loops appear to be bound together by some kind of invisible force - They can be pulled apart slightly, but then they slam together when released. You can 'spin <ring>' to turn one of the loops. Teleports you to the death island.
An amulet of empowering This is a simple tear-shaped amulet hung from a black cord. It seems to be made of silver, but when touched to the skin, it glows with a blue light. Mana regen when worn.
A translucent ring This ring is made of some kind of clear material, which has the texture of metal. Something is definitely odd about it, and somehow you know that it will help you recover if you are knocked off balance. Resists balance impacting skills like Wind or Flat does not qualify for the rare trader.
A translucent bracelet Resists balance impacting skills like Wind or Flat
A damaged ring of adroitness
Some red cloth fist wraps
Ring of Striking This ring appears to be made of steel, though when held close to a light source it takes on a reddish hue. The closer you get to the ring the more powerful you feel When wearing it, you feel like your fists are also made of steel.
Wand of the quencher This wand is made of pale blue wood, with a rippling texture along its length that makes it pleasant to stroke your fingers along. When held by its thickest end, it feels cool against your skin. As you look at the wand, knowledge of how to use it flows into your mind; You could 'liquicate <item>' while holding the wand to double the liquid in a container. Doubles the liquid within any container Unlimited charges, but on a cooldown
Magical splint Two long and slender pieces of silver, joined near one end with another piece of curved silver, this odd artifact has several blue gemstones dotted at various points. It seems to be the right shape to place on an outstretched leg, and the bridge of silver resonates when you touch it, making you think if you hold it just right against your leg you could 'splint activate'. Reusable splint for repairing broken bones
Golden Eye This is a small golden eye, which thrums with magical power. You can hold it to your ears and 'recover sight' if you have become blind, but the device only has limited charges.
Golden Ear Restores hearing
A yellow metal headband Gained from Astaria.
A yellow metal bracelet Gained from Astaria.
amulet of regeneration This is a simple tear-shaped amulet hung from a black cord. It seems to be made of silver, but when touched to the skin, it glows with a green light. Provides faster life regeneration. Similar rate to the Crown of Bones.
silver globe Opens a portal to another player
demonic whetstone This is a fairly heft bit of stone, made up of layers of dark green and grey material. The upper surface is rough, but slightly moist to the touch - When something is rubbed against it, some kind of clear liquid wells up on it. If that's your finger, it stings to the touch. You can use the whetstone to 'whetstone improve <weapon>' - It works on both bladed and blunt weapons. Makes a weapon do slightly more damage when the whetstone is applied to it. Possible unlimited use. Does not indicate usage limits and has been used multiple times with no change in item description. "You rub the fellblade against the surface of the whestone, the clear liquid welling up and seeming to be partly absorbed into the surface of the weapon." I tested this with a fellblade but it did not actually add damage. Possibly doesn't work, or just doesn't work on fellblades.
amulet of resistance This is a somewhat unremarkable amulet on first sight - However rub your finger across its surface and shimmering runes form, enscribed in glowing blue and golden light within the silver metal. Give bonus to various types of damage resistance. Birthday gift option.
ring of resistance Give bonus to various types of damage resistance. Birthday gift option.
amulet of balance
green crystal ring Will allow you to fully regain your mana pool using the word Jodatarn. Similar to the bone ring retrieved from Dresh, but does not drop upon quitting. Does not qualify for the rare trader.
Diamond Disc This large, plate sized disc is made of a single piece of pure diamond, and must be incredibly expensive. The edges of the disc are engraved with ancient runes, and the disc clearly has some kind of magical use. You are not sure how, but you know that to use it you must 'discgaze', and that the disc has nine uses left. Gives the location of every player currently logged in. Does not alert players that you used it. 10 uses. Received as birthday gift.
An icy-blue gem This is a tiny gem, an almost white blue in colour, cut into a small teardrop shape. It glows with a brilliant light! Drains mana to provide light.
owlsight sphere Received via an NPC sidequest. I got mine from a random event sidequest in Karinthia.
ring of lifting his ring is made of a silvery metal, though when worn it seems to absorb warmth slightly and then turn a more dull grey. If you rub your thumb along the edge of the ring, strange vibrations pass through into you, suggesting the magic within the ring is connecting with your physical self. Gives the wearer about 5% greater carrying capacity. Can be obtained from the rare goods trader or birthday gifts. Stacks with other rings of lifting.
Lightning blade This long bladed sword is slightly curved but isn't quite sabre shaped. The metal is an odd grey halfway between iron and silver, and is strong despite its thinness. The hilt is wrapped in pale blue leather, with a trio of darker blue sapphires on one side of the hilt. Does a small amount of magic damage to ethereal creatures in addition to physical damage.
Lightning hammer Does a small amount of magic damage to ethereal creatures in addition to physical damage.
Summoning Rod Creates a portal from the user to the target pc. 5 charges?
Kirridorian breastplate This is a breastplate made of what seem to be polished bones, arranged a little like a rib cage, leaving plenty of gaps for enemy weapons for you to get stabbed through. All in all it doesn't look like it would be great at its intended purpose. Chest armor that alternates between extra health and extra damage protection.
Banisher's belt A belt made of black leather which looks strangely oily, with a large buckle made of some kind of irridescent green metal which also has a sheen that reminds you of oil, with a rainbow effect when light falls upon it. The shape of the buckle is strange and confusing, like twisting tentacles entwined together in an odd way. Reduces damage done by demonic creatures. Demon hunter goal reward option
Iron mastery amulet This small iron amulet is shaped like the magical rune for 'mastery' and you can feel a strong energetic force within it. You feel like it must have some kind of effect, probably on your physical abilities, if worn. Makes gaining mastery of skills easier? Event reward
Silver divination ring A fairly simple looking silver ring, with a square yellow gemstone mounted in the metal, this piece of jewellery at first appears to be nothing special, but when you stroke the metal, golden runes and patterns spark into life on its surface for a brief moment. See location of items, npcs, or pcs. Needs approximately 2000 mana to recharge can be done in batches.
city memory orb his is a fabled memory orb, fashioned by one of the few remaining masters of a rare art which involves embedding memories into items so they can be relived at a later date. This one contains memories of life in a city, and its use could relieve even the worst of homesickness for those who come from that city. In the centre of the otherwise clear orb there is a tiny model of [CITY], which indicates the orb is only of use for those who fare from there. The orb has ten uses left. To immerse yourself in the orb you should 'orbgaze'. Reduces/eliminates homesickness for the user. Birthday gift
sanctuary shell This is a medium sized shell, ridged on one side and smooth on the inside, where a number of symbols have been painted in dark blue and black inks. When you touch the symbols, you understand the magic within the shell, and know that it can take you either to the city of peace, or the holy isle... But it can only be used seven times. 'peace sanctuary' or 'holy sanctuary' to use the shell.
sun ring
transformational foci This is a strange device made of highly polished curved pieces of red tinted metal; The different pieces all draw attention to a small silver plate in the very centre of the device. On one side of the device a colourless gem sits on a stalk of the red tinted metal, whilst on the opposite side is a handle. On the top of the device is a dome of metal with a golden sheen. 'charge <foci> with mana' to put mana into the device. 'pump handle on <foci>' to pump the handle. 'activate <foci>' to activate the device. Charging takes 10,000 mana. Pumping is for people without a lot of mana to charge the foci. Once fully charged, activating it creates a cube of braised beef. The beef is only good for 1 level of hunger (one third of a standard Steak)
small stone skull 3 uses total.
grey heart ring Increase max hp
leafstem bracelet
sapphire tear Tops off your thirst but makes you very hungry in exchange.
meat frying wand Fries meat and makes it a filling meal
grey heart bracelet This bracelet is made out of some kind of grey metal, and has a stylised heart shape moulded into the top. There is a pulse of energy which you can feel if you touch the heart or wear the bracelet. Increases max HP, roughly 1%
bejewelled belt pouch It's just a pouch that has jewels on it. Nothing special about it.
silver mana amulet
white lace wristband On first glance this is a simple piece of white cloth worn around the wrist, but when you examine it closer it's made up of intricate lacework which must have been woven by an expert hand. Despite its mundane apperance, you feel some kind of power within the wristband. Increases max life and max mana; tested on a specter, 6068 -> 6259 hp ; 16,035 -> 16,263 mana
vampiric brooch
bottle of meat enhancer
pygmy bone charm amulet
pink heart bracelet This bracelet is made out of some kind of pink metal, and has a stylised heart shape moulded into the top. There is a pulse of energy which you can feel if you touch the heart or wear the bracelet. Boosts base HP, roughly +250 depending on buffs.
polished bone bracelet Increase max mana
endurance charm A small pouch of papery material, filled with flakes of strange multi-coloured substances, this little artifact looks to be worthless, but just a touch makes you realise that it is throbbing with magical power. You would have to destroy the charm to use it, crushing it between your palms - 'crushcharm <charm>' to do so. "You crush the charm between your palms, grinding your hands together until both papery sleeve and the odd flakes within have turned into powder, which you then breath in." This had no visible changes. No change in endurances, no change to hp, mana, or armor percentages. Possible it allows you to run more rooms before tripping.
fruit baller
experience orb Gives free lessons. Various types (blue, tiny)
bronze and silver headband This headband is made of two thin bands of metal, one silver, one bronze, which have been twisted together, twining around like lovers, reaching all the way around the head of the wearer. Increases max life by a pretty significant amount (possibly percentage based, it provided a specter about +600 hp) Has a limited lifespan. Will disintegrate after a few days of wearing it.
flame-red gem Drains mana to provide light.
pink heart ring
lesser amulet of resistance Makes incoming damage slightly less. Not as strong as standard amulet of resistance.
vampiric headband
solid turquoise ring This is a fairly simple ring, made out of a single piece of polished turquoise mineral; Its blue-green colour is not the sparkliest, but the single piece of flaweless mineral fashioned into the shape of a ring is somehow very beautiful. There is a feeling of warmth and subtle power radiating from the ring. Increases Max HP. Sample Specter effect: Max HP 6736 -> 6927
iridescent metal belt This belt is made up of several oval shaped pieces of metal, attached to a simple black cloth band. The metal is oddly coloured, with a variety of colours visible as it shifts back and forth. Percentage based HP increase. Sample Specter effect: Max HP 6927 -> 7881 (+954)
prototype summoner
dawn bracelet
silver belt charm Various skill boosts based on their description. Known boosts are for swordplay, pyro, fire resistance, and taming
golden belt charm A fairly hefty charm designed to be worn from a belt, this vaguely tear-shaped gold item is just small enough to conceal in a closed fist. The charm has three sides slightly flattened, each having an identical engraving on it, an excessively cute looking rodent pig eating a large dandelion leaf. It's said that such charms can offer benefits to those who hang them from their belts, benefits magical in nature.
amulet of judgement
a golden pearl This small golden coloured pearl has dozens of tiny runes etched into it's surface, and has a dull pulsing warmth. It appears to be one of the pearls of Soladru, one of the angels of Astarot. It is said that if you 'invoke Soladru' with one of these pearls, Soladru will harness the power of nature to invigorate your body, increasing the regeneration of your flesh. Adds 11hp/tick regen same affect, and not stackable with filidhism regeneration skill
ring of judgement
black lace wristband On first glance this is a simple piece of black cloth worn around the wrist, but when you examine it closer it's made up of intricate lacework which must have been woven by an expert hand. Despite its mundane apperance, you feel some kind of power within the wristband. Increase both HP, and Mana (roughly 1.5% more mana, and health by 2%)
black lace belt
white lace belt
silver-veined wristband This is a wristband made of simple pale blue cloth, but there are silver threads woven through it, forming a wave like pattern around the band. An occasional pulse of magical energy can be seen flowing through the silver threads. Adds about 225 max mana
copper-veined wristband

This is a wristband made of simple pale red cloth, but there are copper threads woven through it, forming a wave like pattern around the band. An occasional pulse of magical energy can be seen flowing through the copper threads. || Increase to HP Roughly 150hp. Same as Grey heart Bracelet ||

haemophilic ring This ring is made of crimson red metal, flecked with silver speckles which turn blue in certain lights. The form of the ring is made up by several twisted strands of this metal which curve around the finger when worn. It is said that these rings are cursed demonic artifacts, and that when wearing them you will bleed freer and longer than normal - There is a tale that one man wore a full set of these rings and then bled to death from a single pinprick.
Solid Onyx Ring This ring is made from a single piece of black onyx, cut into a shape which is comfortable, yet still interesting to look at - The inner surface is smooth and snug around the finger, while the outer side is cut into an octagonal shape which leaves the ring slightly spiky to anyone shaking hands with the wearer. A feeling of power radiates from the ring. Adds around 130 Health to Human
ilbakalian sword This looks like the hilt of a sword, albeit a strange sword, but there is no blade, just a circular hole where you'd expect the blade to be. It appears to be made of some kind of odd metal with a yellowish sheen, and has a kind of flexible grip, which can be held normally or squeezed inwards; 'squeeze hilt' to try that. You squeeze the hilt of your ilbakalian sword and strands of orange energy shoot out from it, forming a long and deadly looking blade with a strange hissing noise. ;;; The energy strands extending from your ilbakalian sword vanish suddenly with a crackling noise. I guess it's a lightsaber. Can have runes engraved on it.
silver mana headband
lode-pouch Drains mana when you wear it until full. Regens mana 400 per tick when you are under 1000.
spark stone This large chunk of strange stone is oddly coloured, bright blue one moment, then bright green or red the next; It seems to shift colour dramatically with even the slightest of movements. When below max mana, "You feel a pulse of magical energy from the spark stone you hold." Regenerates mana 100 at a time when you see the message. Must be in your inventory.
mana-star headband Description 500 Max Mana 120 year birthday wish reward
Red Lace Gloves Made of scarlet coloured red lace, these gloves look very delicate, but yet seem impervious to damage, and even feel warm when worn, despite the large amounts of skin left exposed. They reach most of the way up the lower arm, almost to the elbow. Increases max mana, roughly 1000 120 year birthday wish reward
Gem-studded Robes With the number of gemstones sewn onto these robes, you would expect them to be extremely heavy, but they are in fact surprisingly light. The rainbow jewels covering the garment reflect ight in all colours, making the wearer appear as if a cacophany of bright energy, while the abrice beneath the gems is barely even visible. Roughly 1200 max mana 120 year birthday wish reward
An entrail bracelet Made of some kind of pearly white fleshy material, this bracelet loops around the wrist with a shape and pattern that puts you in mind of nothing but a digestive tract. There is no end to the tract, and a couple of lumps are constantly moving around the loop, the bracelet pushing them around with pulsing contractions.
A birdsong music box This small music box is made of polished brass, with engravings of birds on four of its sides, the lines of the engravings inlaid with coloured inks that seem to bring the spread feathers of the birds to life. A fifth side is plain, except for a handle which can be turned to play some music, and the final side of the box has a metal lattice which can be opened to allow access to the workings of the box. 'play birdsong' to turn the handle. Peering through the lattice, the inner workings of the box all look intact. You turn the handle on the birdsong music box. A simple song plays from the music box, as if a bird had alighted nearby and was serenading you. However after a few moments, the tune seems to gain more intensity - This feeling grows and grows, as your concentration heightens and focusses on the tune. By the time it ends, the echo of it bounces through your head, and you feel as if your feet will never stop tapping along to the tune. No clue what it does.
An antler headdress This savage looking piece of clothing is essentially a piece of off white cloth that can be worn around the temple, and holds a number of jagged antlers against your head, their points sticking up to the air. All of the antlers are bleached white. No known effect
A magical Comb This comb is made out of a polished piece of ivory with elegantly thin wooden teeth. The teeth seem to have a mind of their own, moving slightly from side to side, and changing angle occasionally too. You could try and 'style hair' using the comb. Something makes you think your lack of barbering skills may not matter.
A pygmy bone charm amulet This is a charm made from impossibly tiny bones; arm and leg bones crossed with a tiny skull in the centre. If goblins were about a tenth of the size, you might think these came from a goblin, but you have never seen a creature that these bones could have come from - Yet they do appear to be real bones. No known effect