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This skill is taught by Shalothma Gaikini. You must be in the same room as Shalothma to begin the training. Shalothma appears in different cities around the realm. One of which is Vagla.

To begin training the skill of Attuning, the 'study Shalothma' command is used. It costs 10 lessons to advance your attuning, and it may take numerous sessions to develop a new power, depending on your previous attuning. The player's base skill makeup will also affect how many sessions it will take to develop a new power.

Shalothma describes the skill as: a power deep within each of us which can be brought out with time, patience and plenty of study. Where your body and spirit can merge into the magical energies which flow throughout the world and all other worlds created by the Creator. The range and type of powers you can gain from attuning depends on the person you are.

The commune Shalothma comes from rates levels of attuning in terms of animals, the larger the animal the greater the level of attuning. This ranking is given to you by Shalothma. It may take several training sessions to advance to a new type of animal. An example of a rank is 'pony'. The highest rank is Dragon, and you will gain Dragon levels every time you attune beyond the first 100 lessons once you hit Dragon.

You can check your Attuning rank and skills by using the command: 'attuning status'


Attuning is broken down into 4 categories consisting of Offensive, Defensive, Physical, and Crafting. Each of these categories keep their own lesson counts which are added to with each study session with Shalothma.

Each study of Shalothma results in the 10 lessons being divided into the 4 categories depending on your skill makeup, with core skills putting 1 lesson each in their classification and the higher skill adding 4 lesson to its classification.


Ability Name Description Cost Notes
Cooking Carcasses you roast are less likely to be poisonous, and will be more nuitrious. 10
Quick Eye Thieves find it slightly tougher to steal from you. 30
Anneal 'attuning anneal ' - Hardening a piece of armour to reduce the amount of damage done to it. 80
Advanced Eating Due to your knowledge about food stuffs and the biological function of eating, you are able to get more satisfaction from food than most people. 150
Wound Tending 'attuning woundtend <target>' - Tend to bleeding wounds. 250
Weak Point Opponent's armour will be less effective against you, as you know where best to strike. 380


Ability Name Description Cost Notes
Minor Shield 'attuning minorshield' - Create an aura which disrupts weapons which hit you. 10
Magic Armour 'attuning magicarmour ' - Create an invisible layer of armour around a target. 30
Bone Reinforcement 'attuning boneforce' - Sending a flood of energy through your bones to prevent breakages. 80
Protector 'attuning protect ' - Setting an invisible guard to protect from swinging weapons. 150
Alkaline Shield attuning alkaline' - Creating a shield around you which can nullify much of the effects of acid. 250
Mirrorskin 'attuning mirrorskin' - A shield which reflects a small amount of physical damage dealt to you back to those who inflict it. 380
Soulshield 'attuning soulshield' - A shield which strengthens the bond between your soul and your body. 520
Mana Amplification Your mastery of the magical art allows you to cast spells with less mana than normal. 680
Project Bone Reinforcement 'attuning boneforce <target>' - Reinforcing the bones of your allies. 860
Theft Shell 'attuning theftshell' - You create an aura around you which dissuades many thefts. 1060

Offensive Magic

Ability Name Description Cost Notes
Acid Flick 'attuning acidflick <target>' - Flick a small spray of acid at a foe. 10
Acid Ball 'attuning acidball <target>' - Throw a ball of acid at an enemy. 30
Shatter 'attuning shatter <target>' - Breaking an arm with magical force. 80
Acid Circle 'attuning acidcircle' - Spray everyone in your vicinity with acid. 150
Bleed Gaze 'attuning bleedgaze <target>' - Inducing bleeding with a single glance. 250


Ability Name Description Cost Notes
Thick Skinned Your skin has been toughened by your experiences so much that it provides a little natural armour. 10 Gives permanent 5% armour protection.
Stiffen 'attuning stiffen' - Stiffening your body to increase endurance, but reducing mobility. 30
Recover 'attuning recover' - Instantly recover your balance, at the risk of your health. 80
Forced Sight 'attuning forcesight' - Forcing your eyes to function even when damaged. 150 Not sure if this is physical or a different category.
Heavy Lifting Your physical stature allows you to lift very heavy objects. 250
Steadfast Your physical strength allows you to better resist unbalancing attacks. 380