Holiday Festivals
Festival of Carnage in Szagan- 1st day of the 1st week of Newmoon
- pale stone rings being sold for 700 coins ('festival buy ring')
- silver worm insignia which are being traded in return for iron worm insignia ('festival trade <insignia>')
- spiced jerky
Festival of Aurora in Tylorus- 6th day of the 1st week of Newmoon
- tiny elfsugar cakes being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy elfsugar')
- blue, red or yellow butterfly hairbands being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy blue/red/yellow butterfly')
- emerald dragonfly amulets which are being traded in return for jewelled amulets ('festival trade <amulet>')
- red crystal roses which are being traded in return for crystal blackberries ('festival trade <blackberry>)
- crystal flower bracelets which are being traded in return for silver link bracelets ('festival trade <bracelet>')
- dragonfly toys being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy toy')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
The Celebration of the Indomitable Spirit in Gralthar - 5th day of the 3rd week of Newmoon
- lantern oil purifiers being sold for 300 coins ('festival buy purifier')
- small bear pasties being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy pasty')
- bronze shield amulets which are being traded in return for jewelled amulets ('festival trade <amulet>')
- roast boar legs being sold for 500 coins ('festival buy leg')
- mammoth skewers being sold for 200 coins ('festival buy skewer')
- silver dwarven guard toys which are being traded in return for iron dwarven guard toys ('festival trade <toy>')
- bronze goblets which are being traded in return for drinking glasses ('festival trade <glass>')
- solid ruby rings which are being traded in return for normal ruby rings ('festival trade <ring>')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Goblin Emergence Day in Vagla - 6th day of the 6th week of Newmoon
- mud hair paste being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy paste')
- green sour gummies being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- phosphorus mushrooms being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy mushroom')
- black spades which are being traded in return for normal spades ('festival trade <spade>')
- candle helms which are being traded in return for ornate wooden candle stands ('festival trade stand')
MacMordain Day in Gralthar - 1st day of the 1st week of Calmwind
- wolf and bear pasties being sold for 200 coins ('festival buy pasty')
- white ribbon beard braid being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy braid')
- mammoth skewers being sold for 200 coins ('festival buy skewer')
- iron dwarven guard toys being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy guard')
- iron orcish bandit toys being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy bandit')
- red and black belt pouches which are being traded in return for normal belt pouches ('festival trade <pouch>')
- dwarven tool belts which are being traded in return for normal leather belts ('festival trade <belt>')
- golden drinking horns which are being traded in return for normal drinking horns ('festival trade <horn>')
- steel grey cloaks which are being traded in return for white cloaks ('festival trade <cloak>')
- runed hammer slings which are being traded in return for normal hammer slings ('festival trade <sling>')
Chaotic Freedom Day in Vagla - 1st day of the 1st week of Calmwind
- fizzle bombs being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy fizzle')
- scruffy feather bracelets being sold for 150 coins ('festival buy bracelet')
- trick gummies which will make whoever eats them hallucinate for 100 coins ('festival buy trick')
- black fur teddy bears being traded for scruffy blue teddy bears ('festival trade <teddy>')
- black glass bottles being traded for squat glass bottles ('festival trade <bottle>')
- sword harnesses in being traded for weapon harnesses ('festival trade <harness>')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Reconstruction day in Karinthia - 6th day of the 3rd week of Calmwind
- sliced smoked whitefish being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy whitefish')
- cinnamon bread sticks being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy bread stick')
- hammer sigil rings being sold for 1000 coins ('festival buy ring')
- iron human guard toys being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy guard')
- walnut tartlets being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy tartlet')
- white leather hammer slings which are being traded in return for normal hammer slings
- blue handled claw hammers which are being traded in return for normal claw hammers
- iron chain belts which are being traded in return for iron-studded belts
- white leather backpacks which are being traded in return for normal leather backpacks ('festival trade <backpack>')
Spring Mana Equinox in Aronsol - 1st day of the 5th week of Calmwind
- pumpkin seed biscuits being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy pumpkin seed biscuit')
- magic rose revivers being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy reviver')
- glittering blue crystal flower hair clips being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy clip')
- orange translucent cups being sold for 130 coins ('festival buy cup')
- blue hair ribbons being sold for 80 coins ('fesitval buy ribbon')
- heart jars which are being traded in return for fire nuggets ('festival trade <nugget>')
- green translucent cups which are being traded in return for yellow translucent cups ('festival trade <cup>')
- crystal cherries which are being traded in return for red crystal roses ('festival trade <rose>)
- yellow rope belts which are being traded in return for normal rope belts
- red leather bound copies of 'An Index of Demons' which are being traded in return for plain books ('festival trade <book>').
Day of the Rising Sun in Karinthia, Aronsol, Gralthar - 1st day of 1st week of Brightsky
In Aronsol:
- golden nut bites being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy bite')
- golden dawn bracelets which are being traded in return for plain gold bracelets ('festival trade <bracelet>')
In Karinthia:
- golden bread bites being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy bite')
- golden dawn rings which are being traded in return for plain gold rings ('festival trade <ring>')
In Gralthar:
- golden ribbon beard braids being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy braid')
- golden dawn headbands which are being traded in return for plain gold headbands ('festival trade <headband>')
Festival of Nature's Blessing in Tylorus - 6th day of the 1st week of Brightsky
- pink dahlia hairbands being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy pink dahlia')
- forest vine belts being sold for 300 coins ('festival buy vine belt')
- golden berries being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy berries')
- rose grapes which are being traded in return for normal bunches of grapes ('festival trade <grapes>')
- sun fruits which are being traded in return for oranges ('festival trade <orange>').
- pink blush apples which are being traded in return for normal apples ('festival trade <apple>')
- pineberries which are being traded in return for strawberries ('festival trade <strawberries>')
Antek Day in Szagan - 2nd day of the 7th week of Brightsky
- black chilli bites being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy chilli')
- wooden skull pendants being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy pendant')
- sword harnesses which are being traded in return for weapon harnesses ('festival trade <harness>').
Footsoldier Awareness Day in Ruk'tan- 5th day of the 7th week of Brightsky
- simple weapon harnesses being sold for 400 coins ('festival buy harness')
- large leather canteens which are being traded in return for potion bottles ('festival trade <bottle>'
Festival of Demons in Szagan - 1st Day of the 1st week of Sunbeam
- demon tuna sauce being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy sauce')
- black claw candle being sold for 250 coins ('festival buy candle')
- black wooden cups being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy cup')
- liquorice shards being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy liquorice')
- black hydra dolls which are being traded in return for black fur teddy bears ('festival trade <teddy>')
- black stone rings which are being traded in return for blue stone rings ('festival trade <ring>')
- dark flame skirts which are being traded in return for black silk skirts ('festival trade <skirt>').
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Brotherhood Day in (Szagan, Ruk'tan, Vagla and Olbaron) - 2nd Day of the 7th week of Sunbeam
In Ruk'tan:
- red hair paste being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy paste')
- dog skull ornaments being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy ornament')
- wooden worm rings being sold for 800 coins - The salesman is claiming they are magical and worth such an inflated price - ('festival buy ring')
- bone chokers being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy choker')
- boiled pork bones being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy bone')
- chocolate coated lard sweets which are being traded in return for chocolate covered strawberries
- malachite worm rings which are being traded in return for emerald worm rings
- horse leather backpacks which are being traded in return for normal backpacks ('festival trade <backpack>')
- golden worm insignia which which being traded in return for silver worm insignia ('festival trade <insignia>')
- worm etched steel daggers which are being traded in return for bone hilted steel daggers ('festival trade <bone hilted steel dagger>').
In Olbaron:
- green gummy worms being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- roast boar legs being sold for 500 coins ('festival buy leg')
- simple wooden cups being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy cup')
- plain wooden rings being sold for 200 coins ('festival buy ring')
- wooden worm pendants being sold for 300 coins ('festival buy pendant')
- bronze brotherhood rings which are being traded in return for academy signet rings ('festival trade <signet ring>')
- worm keyrings which are being traded in return for normal keyrings ('festival trade <keyring>')
- large black satchels which are being traded in return for large cloth satchels ('festival trade <satchel>')
- worm embroidered black skirts which are being traded in return for blue skirts ('festival trade <blue skirt>').
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
In Szagan:
- peanut spicing powder being sold for 10 coins ('festival buy powder')
- warmth pods being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy pod')
- obsidian worm sigils being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy sigil')
- ember spice sweets being sold for 40 coins ('festival buy sweet')
- some fire powder being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy fire')
- worm etched bottles which are being traded in return for potion bottles ('festival trade <bottle>')
- winged demon statuettes which are being traded in return for dog skull ornaments ('festival trade <ornament>')
- black leather sand pouches which are being traded in return for plain sand pouches ('festival trade <pouch>')
- iron worm insignias which are being traded in return for copper ones ('fesitval trade <insignia>')*
- black leather books of Gralnak which are being traded in return for ordinary books ('festival trade <book>').
In Vagla:
- potato meat sauce being sold for 10 coins ('festival buy sauce')
- black gummy worms being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- wooden worm insignias being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy insignia')
- black star tokens being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy token')
- silver palm charms being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy charm')
- silver worm chains which are being traded for silver necklaces ('festival trade <silver necklace>')
- mirror lanterns which are being traded for normal lanterns ('festival trade <lantern>')
- black keyrings which are being traded for normal keyrings ('festival trade <keyring>')
- emerald or ruby worm rings which are being traded for normal emerald or ruby rings ('festival trade <emerald ring/ruby ring>').
Goblin Whomping Day in Gralthar - 3rd day of the 2nd week of Dreamlong
- goblin splat sweets being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy sweet')
- shrunken goblin heads which are being traded in return for silver angels ('festival trade <silver angel>')
- iron-studded belts which are being traded in return for black or plain leather belts ('festival trade <belt>').
- dwarven hunter's biscuits being sold for 30 coins ('festival buy biscuit')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Reclamation Day in Tylorus - 1st day of the 3rd week of Dreamlong
- red wooden dice sold for 30 coins ('festival buy die')
- sweet bread kittens being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy kitten')
- elven flutes which are being traded in return for normal flutes ('festival trade flute)
- elven guitars which are being traded in return for normal guitars ('festival trade guitar)
- cherry cheese balls being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy cheese')
Mischief Day in Vagla -3rd day of the 3rd week of Dreamlong
- black eye masks being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy black mask')
- red eye masks being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy red mask').
Festival of the Tyrant's Noose in Ruk'tan - 3rd day of the 3rd week of Dreamlong
- green gummy goblins being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- stone demon heads which are being traded in return for shrunken goblin heads ('festival trade <head>').
Autumn Festival in Karinthia - 3rd Day of the 4th week of Dreamlong
- golden crocus hair bands being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy golden crocus')
- pumpkin muffins being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy pumpkin muffin')
- walnut mooncakes being sold for 140 coins ('fesival buy mooncake')
- spiced apple loaves being sold for 500 coins ('festival buy spiced apple loaf')
- brown autumn bonnets which are being traded in return for black hats ('festival trade <black hat>)
- pumpkin orange barrels being traded in return for wooden barrels ('festival trade <barrel>')
- crystal apples being traded in return for crystal cherries ('festival trade <cherry>')
- red leaf rings which are being traded in return for normal ruby rings ('festival trade ').
- orange candles being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy candle').
There is also a games stand - 'festival games' to find out what games are on offer.
Celebration of Fate in Karinthia - 1st day of the 7th week of Dreamlong
- boiled strawberry sweets being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy sweet')
- eight sided dice being sold for 140 coins ('festival buy die')
- double-crown coins being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy coin')
- ornamental silver balances which are being traded in return for silver corkscrews ('festival trade <corkscrew>')
- silver dragon pendants which are being traded in return for dragon amulets ('festival trade <amulet>').
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Remembrance of the Fallen in Vagla - 1st day of the 1st week of Skymist
- a jambalaya herb mix being sold for 90 coins ('festival buy mix')
- wolf-skin gloves being sold for 450 coins ('festival buy gloves')
- ash cookies being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy ash cookie')
- black hair paste being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy black paste')
- small black candles being sold for 150 coins ('festival buy candle')
- iron skull helms which are being traded in return for normal iron helms ('festival trade <helm>')
- black painted candle making kits which are being traded in return for normal candle making kits ('festival trade <kit>')
- black-trimmed boots which are being traded in return for normal leather boots ('festival trade <boots>
- copper worm insignias which are being traded in return for wooden ones ('festival trade <insignia>')
- worm-skin quivers being traded in return for normal quivers ('festival trade <leather quiver>')
Remembrance of Valgrannar in Ruk'tan - 2nd day of the 4th week of Skymist
- caramel lard sweets being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy caramel')
- grey leather satchels which are being traded in return for small cloth satchels ('festival trade <satchel>').
Autumn Mana Equinox in Aronsol - 1st day of the 5th week of Skymist
- autumn spice wine being sold for 15 coins a unit ('festival buy wine into <container>')
- blue mental mana shards being sold for 500 coins each ('festival buy blue mental shard')
- crystal blackberries being sold for 80 coins each ('festival buy crystal blackberry')
- walnut tartlets being sold for 120 coins each ('festival buy tartlet')
- yellow translucent cups being sold for 130 coins each ('festival buy cup')
- red and green striped vials which are being traded in return for large red vials
- yellow and green striped vials which are being traded in return for large yellow vials
- purple and green striped vials which are being traded in return for large purple vials
- blue and green striped vials which are being traded in return for large blue vials
- brown and green striped vials which are being traded in return for large brown vials ('festival trade <vial>')
Day of Chaos in Ruk'tan - 1st day of the 1st week of Whitefall
- red gummy worms which are being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- ebony dice which are being sold for 20 coins each ('festival buy die')
- crab sauce recipe cards which are being sold for 100 coins each ('festival buy crab sauce')
- orange worm dolls which are being sold for 80 coins each ('festival buy doll')
- glass worm amulets which are being traded in return for common worm amulets ('festival trade <worm amulet>')
- spiked steel vambraces which are being traded in return for normal steel vambraces('festival trade <vambraces>')
- clatter bell bracelets which are being traded for silver link bracelets ('festival trade <bracelet>')
- fire nuggets which are being traded for obsidian worm sigils ('festival trade <sigil>')
- red leather bedrolls which are being traded in return for normal cloth bedrolls ('festival trade <bedroll>')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
Feast of Kisses in Gralthar- 5th day of the 2nd week of Whitefall
- sweet kisses being sold for 30 coins ('festival buy sweet')
- heart spotted dies being sold for 30 coins ('festival buy die')
- red laced boots and gloves which are being traded in return for black leather boots or black leather gloves ('festival trade <boots/gloves>').
Time of Torture in Thul'Mar - 1st day of the 3rd week of Whitefall
- tiny vials of blood being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy vial')
- sacrifical daggers which are being traded in return for bone hilted sivrite daggers('festival trade <dagger>')
Emperor Gilgalad Day in Aronsol - 4th day of the 4th week of Whitefall
- glass lightning amulet to trade for a jewelled amulet ('festival trade <jewelled amulet>')
- gold threaded belt pouches traded for normal belt pouches ('festival trade <pouch>')
- Gilgalad rings traded for normal gold rings ('festival trade <ring>')
- emerald lightning rings being traded for normal emerald rings ('festival trade <ring>')
- rope money belts being traded for normal ones ('festival trade <money belt')
- cowled dark blue robe being sold for 720 coins ('festival buy robe')
- large Aronsolian gourmet coconut being sold for 150 coins ('festival buy coconut')
- small gold idol of Gilgalad being sold for 500 coins ('festival buy idol')
- wooden letter G amulet being sold for 120 coins ('festival buy amulet')
- round, blank stone for carving being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy rune').
Celebration of Chaos in Olbaron - 6th day of the 6th week of Whitefall
- sugar splat sweets being sold for 20 coins ('festival buy sweet')
- yellow or green hair paste being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy yellow/green paste')
- cabbage mash recipe cards being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy cabbage mash')
- silver worm rings which are being traded in return for plain silver rings ('festival trade <silver ring>')
- large blue satchels which are being traded in return for large cloth satchels ('festival trade <satchel>')
- jade worm bracelets which are being traded in return for plain jade bracelets('festival trade <jade bracelet>')
- sword harnesses which are being traded for weapon harnesses ('festival trade <weapon harness>')
- black leather hammer slings which are being traded in return for normal hammer slings ('festival trade <hammer sling>')
There are also some games which you could play; 'festival games' to take a look at them.
The Rememberance of the Din'Taal in Szagan - 1st day of the 1st week of Icedawn
- demon tuna sauce being sold for 100 coins
- black claw candle being sold for 250 coins
- black wooden cups being sold for 80 coins
- black hydra dolls being traded in return for black fur teddy bears
- black stone rings being traded in return for blue stone rings
- dark flame skirts being traded in return for black silk skirts
This festival also has some festival games.
Emperor Rajier Day in Gralthar - 3rd day of the 5th week of Icedawn
- roast bear meat being sold for 300 coins ('festival buy roast bear meat')
- gold rings which are traded in for black gold rings ('festival trade gold rings')
Emperor's Day in Vagla - 6th day of the 7th week of Icedawn
- giant prawn dip being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy dip')
- red varnished lanterns being sold for 650 coins ('festival buy lantern')
- black gummy mushrooms being sold for 50 coins ('festival buy gummy')
- wooden tiaras being sold for 100 coins ('festival buy tiara')
- bone rattles being sold for 80 coins ('festival buy rattle')
- black rope belts which are being traded in return for red rope belts ('festival trade <red rope belt>')
- black sivrite rings which are being traded in return for ordinary sivrite rings ('festival trade <sivrite ring>)
- red sandals which are being tradedfor plain sandals ('festival trade <sandals>')
- black barrels which are being traded for plain wooden ones ('festival trade <barrel>')
- black leather sword sheathes which are being traded for plain ones ('festival trade <sword sheath>').